LGBTBE Certification
Large corporations and government entities are always looking to increase their supplier diversity. The LGBTBE Certification is a national certification that qualifies your LGBTQ+ owned business as a diverse supplier. This increases your opportunities to compete in the market. As the NGLCC affiliate in Greater Phoenix, we can certify our members for free! To learn more, email
Benefits of Certification
National recognition by America’s top corporations as a Certified LGBT Business Enterprise® supplier.
Eligibility to exhibit at the annual NGLCC International Business and Leadership Conference, as well as at regional events.
Automatic inclusion in the NGLCC’s online searchable database of certified businesses, which is accessible by NGLCC Corporate Partners.
Use of the NGLCC Certified Business logo on your marketing materials, which identifies your business as LGBTQ-owned through the NGLCC to an international audience.
Eligibility to receive sourcing opportunities from the NGLCC and its Corporate Partners.
Eligibility to participate in mentorship programs, leadership trainings, and scholarship opportunities presented by NGLCC Corporate Partners.
Eligibility for involvement with the Transgender & Gender Expansive (TGX) Initiative for TGX-owned businesses, and the Communities of Color Initiative (CoCi) for business owners of color.